ReactJS Best Practices in 2024 for Developers

ReactJS Best Practices in 2024 for Developers

ReactJS is truly a dominating force when we talk about ReactJs web development. It’s a powerful and flexible framework that helps build user interfaces that are dynamic in nature. The best practices for React continue evolving, so it’s important that you know which ones are trending. Developer here at Tuvoc represent one of the best Reactjs development company in India.

You can also hire ReactJs developers in India from our website here! Here are a few of the current best practices that React-based developers can utilize while using the platform to develop:

Embracing Functional Components and Hooks

Functional components were introduced back when React 16.8 was released. They increasingly became the preferred, go-to way to write React components due to their simplicity and testability. Our ReactJs development services encompass all these.

Leveraging hooks, you can manage state, side effects and even life cycle methods. This shift matter as:

  • Improved Readability: Functional components with hooks lead to cleaner and more concise code as compared to components that isolate logic and data.
  • Easier Testing: Functional components that isolate logic and data, making them easier to unit test. This makes the code better and reduces bugs.
  • State Management Flexibility: Hooks like useState and useReducer offer more granular control over state management compared to this.state in class components. This allows for a more flexible approach to complex state requirements.

Using Redux or Modern Alternatives

Hooks can streamline state management within components, complex applications require a rather centralized state management solution. Hire ReactJs developers with Tuvoc!

  • Redux for Large Applications: Redux is a popular state management library, providing predictable ways to manage applications states. Though, it can feel a little stretched out for projects that are a little smaller.

Leveraging Code Splitting and Lazy Loading

Nowadays, modern web apps can become quite large in size. This may impact initial load times. React offers the splitting of code, along with lazy loading techniques that help you tackle these challenges. If you’re looking to integrate this, then you’re looking at the perfect place for ReactJS development service in India.

  • Code Splitting: This helps you break down your application code into smaller bundles, where users can load the code that they need to currently view. This improves initial load speeds.
  • Lazy Loading: Load components only when they’re needed. This is beneficial when components are displayed conditionally or on specific routes.

Optimizing Rendering with React.memo and UseMemo

React re-renders components are based on changes in their props/state. Implement strategies that help in the minimization of unnecessary re-renders and helping maintain optimal performance.

  • React.memo: Wrap components with React.memo. This prevents them from re-rendering if their props haven’t changed. This is fairly ideal for pure component functions present only data.
  • useMemo: Utilize the useMemo hook to memorize expensive calculations or data transformations within a component. This makes sure that value is recalculated when its dependencies change.

Prioritizing Accessibility

Prioritizing Accessibility

Building apps that are accessible would ensure that everyone can interact with your content. You can follow these tips. This is important for ReactJs web development.

  • Semantic HTML: Using Semantic HTML elements like header, main, nav and section – you can provide context to screen readers and assistive technologies.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Making sure that users can navigate your app using only the keyboard. This is a feature that caters to users with motor impairments or people that prefer keyboard navigation.
  • ARIA Attributes: Utilizing ARIA attributes that provide additional information regarding UI elements for screen readers. This improves experience for users with visual impairments.

Knowing TypeScript

While not strictly needed, adopting TypeScript can improve code maintainability while reducing runtime errors.

  • Static Type Checking: TypeScript has the ability to catch type errors when they happen early in the development process, preventing bugs even before they reach production.
  • Improved Code Readability: Defining types makes code a lot more self-documenting and easier to understand for you as well as your collaborators.

Effective Testing Strategies

Robust testing practices are highly crucial for building React apps that are of top-notch quality. Consider the following:

  • Unit Testing: Using libraries like Jest and React Testing Library for writing unit tests that help isolate and test the functionality of individual components.
  • Integration Testing: Test how components interact with each other and with external APIs that ensure that your overall app behaves as expected.
  • End-to-End Testing: Tools like Cypress or Playwright help automate end-to-end testing scenarios, helping simulate user interactions and verify application behavior.

Utilizing a Consistent Linting and Formatting Style

Enforcing code style consistency is an important factor that improves code readability and maintainability all across a project.

  • Linting Tools: Integrate tools like ESLint with a linter configuration such as StandardJS or Airbnb that enforces code style while catching potential issues.


ReactJs is a platform that has been utilized properly during developmental endeavours. These best practices pointers will be helping you out with taking advantage of the React.Js platform right at its fullest. We’re where you can expect flawless Reactjs web application development in India.

We’ve curated these pointers keeping in mind the best practices that are currently being practiced in the industry. We offer all types of Reactjs web development services by the way.

Feel free to try them out for yourself!